Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian?

This blog post's title comes from a book by the same name. I was reading/commenting on another blog where it was mentioned. The title is intriguing, but in looking at the table of contents and in reading reviews, it doesn't appear to be worth the read. As many reviewers pointed out, it's really the wrong question to be asking. But then again, the author is trying to sell a book, and it is a provocative title that makes you want to read more.

Instead, the better question to ask is along the lines of "how does being a Christian play out in your life?" Do you remain hopeful when you might not otherwise? Do you live in the power of the Resurrection? Are you more confident in yourself knowing that you are the beloved child of God? Do you find yourself being more moral when you ask yourself what would Jesus do? Do you act less selfishly when you recall that it's not about you, but instead is about us and the Kingdom of God?

A lot of times, we all try to forget about writing papers in school because of the work and stress, not to mention the fact that we often don't really want to be writing the paper. But from seminary, one really sticks out from me. I had a homiletics professor who asked us to write a sermon based on 1 Peter 3: 15 "always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you." How would you make an account for the hope that is in you? Or in other words, what makes you Christian? For you, what is so seminal to your faith, that without it, you could no longer be a Christian?

I can't answer that for you. For me, it is the abiding sense of the Holy Spirit. The trust that God is active, that God loves me through that presence, that God is doing something new in this world (namely, building the Kingdom of God) is crucial and central to my faith. I would urge you all to consider how you would account for that hope in you. Is it the hope given to us through the Resurrection? Is it that God created and loves all of the cosmos?

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