O Lord, help us to trust what you have said in
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Plausible deniability – even if we don’t know exactly what it means, it’s a strategy we all use. When we are guilty of something, if there is a reasonable way for us to claim that we didn’t know what we were doing was wrong or that a rule was being broken, we clutch onto that excuse, hoping it will exonerate us from all accountability. We see it happen in business – when a manager claims not to know what their employees were doing. We see it in politics – when an elected official claims they did not know that their campaign donations came from a shady character. We see it in relationships – “Oh, I didn’t know that you didn’t want me to tell anyone about that.” We see it in parenting – when one sibling hears a rule spoken by a parent but then says they didn’t realize that it also applied to them. Plausible deniability is a favorite strategy for doing whatever we want and then trying to get explain it away.