O God, of your grace you have brought us into the new creation of your love, keep us secure in this grace for ever ☩ in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
We’re continuing our sermon series on the question “what is the Church?” As we’re trying to come out of this pandemic and reestablish habits of faith, it’s important to remind ourselves of the foundation on which we stand. So in the previous two sermons, I said that the purpose of the Church is to celebrate the Eucharist because it both immerses us into the story of faith and also because it shapes us into being a people who “see Communion in everything,” as my college chaplain used to put it. Last Sunday, we saw that the reasons for coming to Church are that we are fed in the grace of God, we are given armor to stand firm against the trials of life, we are taught and corrected in the ways of faith, and we abide with one another in Christ.