In the name of the holy and glorious Trinity
☩ Father, Son, and Hoy
Spirit. Amen.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? What a ridiculous question. We’re emerging out of a 15-month global pandemic that disrupted every aspect of our lives. If any of had no prior experience of feeling overwhelmed, this pandemic has certainly changed that. But even without something as disruptive as a pandemic, life is overwhelming. Raising children, caring for aging parents, finding our identity as we enter adulthood, deciding which college to attend, receiving a medical diagnosis, dealing with conflicts, battling an addiction, struggling with debt, getting through a stressful project at work, figuring out how to reopen a church in a way that doesn’t frustrate or alienate both those who are tired of masks and those who still think masks are essential for safety, or even just watching the news – we can be overwhelmed in so many ways that it can feel like we are drowning.