In the name of the Risen Lord, amen.
it is every Easter, my first word to you is “welcome.” There is something
special about Easter morning – signs of new life surround us in the form of
birds chirping and flowers blooming as we enter the church and who isn’t
stirred up by singing “Jesus Christ is risen today”? It will be Opening Day for
baseball soon, and so all is right with the world again after the cold and dark
of winter. Part of what makes this such a wonderful day is each of you. If you
were here for every single service of Holy Week, welcome to you. If you are
here against your will, but are just trying to make mom and dad happy, welcome
to you. If you are here as family and friends of the children who will baptized
this morning, welcome to you. If this is your first time worshiping at St. Luke’s
and are looking for a church home, know that you are always welcome. In the
reading from Acts this morning, St. Peter says “I truly understand that God
shows no partiality,” and I agree with that statement. Whatever your political
affiliation, whatever mistakes you’ve made, whatever doubts you have, welcome
in the name of the Risen Lord. Whoever you are, you are welcome here today.