Almighty God, we give you thanks for the grace and
virtue shown in the multitude of your saints. Give us the courage to follow in
their footsteps of loving service in your most holy name, through Jesus Christ
our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God,
throughout all generations. Amen.
him, and let him go.” I’ve always found those words by Jesus to be among his
most powerful and important. As John narrates the Gospel, this incident with
Lazarus is the tipping point in the story. When word of this event reaches the
chief priests and Pharisees, John records that “From that day on they planned
to put him to death.” Jesus’ parables and other miracles made people uneasy
because they upset the power dynamics of the day, but this one crossed the line.
Lazarus died and when Jesus arrives, he commands that Lazarus get up, and he
does. They worry that if word spreads that Jesus has this power, that Rome will
come and crush them. And so they decided that it would be better for one man to
die than for an entire nation to be destroyed. Jesus knows all of this, and so
that makes his statement even more compelling: “unbind him, and let him go.”