In the name of God, who creates, redeems, and
sustains. Amen.
story of Noah’s ark may be one of the most well-known stories from Genesis, or
even the entire Bible. But after the two-by-two, the flood, and the dove, comes
a very important part of the story. At the conclusion, God says to Noah “As for
me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants… that never
again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood.” Then the covenant
is enacted through the sign of a rainbow. This is the first covenant between
God and Creation that is found in Scripture, but the idea of covenant will be
reintroduced with Abraham and David, the prophet Jeremiah will write about the
covenant, and at the Last Supper, Jesus will allude to the covenant. Over the
next five Sundays of Lent, the idea of covenant will be present in our
readings, so my Lenten preaching will focus on the idea of covenant and what it
means for our life and faith.